But one gets tired of everything, even of abusing a person. Paris abandons its puppets which it raises to the throne as quickly as it does its martyrs whom it hoists on the gibbet; in its perpetual hunger for new playthings, it never gets itself excited overly much before the statues of its heroes or at the sight of the blood of its victims. Octave Mirbeau
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Mine was the twilight and the morning. Mine was a world of rooftops and love songs. - Roman Payne

  2. For in Paris, whenever God puts a pretty woman there (the streets), the Devil, in reply, immediately puts a fool to keep her. - Jules Barbey DAurevilly

  3. ... you’ll have to fall in love at least once in your life, or Paris has failed to rub off on you. - E.a. Bucchianeri

  4. The great correspondent of the seventeenth century Madame de Sevigne counseled, "Take chocolate in order that even the most tireome company seem acceptable to you, " which is also sound advice today! - Barrie Kerper

  5. When Hitler marched across the RhineTo take the land of France, La dame de fer decided, ‘ Let’s make the tyrant dance.’ Let him take the land and city, The hills and every flower, One thing he will never have, The elegant Eiffel Tower.The French... - E.a. Bucchianeri

More Quotes By Octave Mirbeau
  1. While I was an honorable man in her eyes, she did not love me. But the minute she understood what I was, when she breathed the true and foul odor of my soul, love was born in her — for she does love me! Well,...

  2. Wherever he goes, whatever he does, he will always see that word: murder–immortally inscribed upon the pediment of that vast slaughterhouse–humanity.

  3. Everything she heard, everything she saw seemed to be in disagreement with her own manner of understanding and feeling. To her, the sun did not appear red enough, the nights pale enough, the skies deep enough. Her fleeting conception of things and beings condemned her...

  4. I understood that the law of the world was strife; an inexorable, murderous law, which was not content with arming nation against nation but which hurled against one another the children of the same race, the same family, the same womb. I found none of...

  5. I did not know what she suffered from, but I knew that her malady must have been horrible; I knew that from the way she used to embrace me.

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